What to expect on the day
Before the start:
Be sure to get there in plenty of time. With 50,000 runners expected to turn up navigating through the crowd can be challenging. Find your coloured start zone and keep an eye out for the pace runners. They will be the runners with the balloons floating above them. You can use these runners to track your progress if you are aiming for a specific time.
You are straight into the Bridge climb. 1.6 km up and down getting to a height of 645m! Don’t stress, pace yourself going up, save your strength and use the downhill side to make up some time (and get your breathe back). Don’t forget to take in the view!
2km: Now is the time to soak up the atmosphere. You have a flat run for the next 6km. Enjoy the music, the cheering crowd and the other runners surrounding you.
8km: Be prepared at this point. The hills are not over. Your then enter the Inner City Bypass, a 300m long climb. Although it is not very steep, it can be a bit of a shock to the unwary runner
. Again pace yourself, you don’t want to burn out so close to the finish.
9km: Almost there! Now is the time to use what is left in the tank. It is easy to dig deep and find that extra spark of energy, it comes from the sheer exhilaration of finishing and the hundreds of cheering spectators lining the finishers shute inside the EKKA grounds.
Well done you made it! Be sure to get your finishers t-shirt, hang around and enjoy the rest of the festivities!
Your BRS Bridge to Brisbane Pace Runners
Look out for your familiar BRS faces this Sunday. They will help you keep pace & achieve your goals!!
Your 10km Runners:
40mins: Matt C (BRS) and Kit Rix (BTS) BLUE BALLOONS
45mins: Myself and Matt S (BRS) RED BALLOONS
50mins: Melissa F and Darren K (BRS) LIME BALLOONS
55mins: Ben Y and Shannon D (BRS) GREEN BALLOONS
60mins: Geevan E and Matty L (BRS) ORANGE BALLOONS
65mins: Natalie B and Jan G (BRS) YELLOW BALLOONS
Your 5km Runners:
20mins: Matt C and Ben G (BRS) PURPLE BALLOONS
25mins: Geoff (B2B) and Jacqui (BTS) YELLOW BALLOONS
30mins: Melissa F and Matty Lyne (BRS) ORANGE BALLOONS
35mins: Myself and Andrew M (BRS) WHITE BALLOONS
Remember, you have put the training in, so it is time to reap the rewards.
Enjoy yourselves!
Happy Running
Renae & Matt