Saturday BRS Xmas Party
Thanks to everybody who RSVPed for the BRS Christmas Party this Saturday 01st December.
We will see you at New Farm Park (keep an eye on facebook for exact location) from 2:30pm ! Don't forget to bring a plate of food, your drinks and any park games!!
I have had 30 RSVPs for dinner......lucky as our allocation was only 30, so a full house! I am looking forward to an evening of yarps, tasty tapas, and sampling beers! see you at Bitter Suite New Farm from 5:30pm
Saturday's Run
Hot Hot Hot, so Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
It is expected to be 32 degrees on Saturday (with a morning minimum of 24!!). Don't leave it until Saturday to hydrate start now!!
We will be heading to Southbank where there are plenty of drink fountains around the river loop, so you will never be too far from water. Maybe bring your togs, to jump in the lagoon afterwards!
When: Saturday 01st December
Where: Meet at the front of the Ship Inn (near end of Goodwill games bridge)
Time: 6am-7:30am
What: endurance run 1-1.5hours - all welcome, choose your time/distance!!
Cost: $2 for refreshments
Congratulations to our Spring Series Fast Track Team !!
after four 7 km races over 8 weeks, they finished second on the ladder and first in Mixed Teams.
Well done to Matty C, Ken, Paul T, Wendy and Jan!!!
For more information on Fast Track, see
I will keep you posted when the next series starts!
Wet Weather Policy
As it is coming into the rainy season, it is a timely reminder of our Rain Policy:
BRS Training Rain Policy is:
- ON regardless of rain- Except if is EXTREME (e.g. lightening, torrential rain, hail, acid rain!)
- if training is cancelled due to extreme conditions, a twitter/facebook notification will be issued at 5pm
- if it is raining or has been raining extensively, the session will always be a long run on safe surfaces, rather than any hill or speed work. Remember the long runs are important to maintain our base aerobic fitness.
- if in doubt, sms Renae (0447 578 200) or Matt (0447 578 205) around 5pm
see you all over the weekend
Happy Running
Renae & Matt