Just a not so subtle reminder that the RSVP date for our on tour event is fast approaching THURSDAY 1ST MARCH - so we can secure accommodation!!
Sign Up now to be part of it.
Information Sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rgw0CxnwnzdMAGtGmZijoITQ4l2s2UHc/view
Registration Form: https://brisbanerunsquad.typeform.com/to/cHOb0h
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2104555899569375/
This Weekend
*Note: The South East QLD Trail Run at Ewen Maddock Dam is cancelled for Sunday
One thing we can confidently say is that we offer plenty of variety with our runs.
Option 1: Northside Trail Run
When: Saturday 24th Feb
Where: Bunyaville State Forest. Meet at the start of Parkrun in James Drysdale Reserve (follow the road down to the Netball club)
Time: 6am
What: 1 hour warmup in the bush, followed by 5km Parkrun.
*****if parkrun is cancelled we do have the option to run on the road along Jinker Track, so bring road shoes as well as trail shoes*****
Option 2: Southside Trail Run
When: Sunday 25th Feb
Where: Daisy Hill State forest, Meet at First carpark on the left, off Daisy Hill Road
Time: 6am
What: 1.5hr approx trail run
We hope to see you soon
Happy Running
BRS Coaches