Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bridge to Brisbane & Save the Date

Saturday Session
This week will be a nice light 1-1.5 hour run before the Bridge to Brisbane on Sunday.

When: Saturday 01st September
Where: Meet out the front of the Ship Inn, near the end of the Goodwill Games bridge
Time: 6:30 am
What: 1-1.5hr easy run followed by Breaky!!
Cost: $2 for refreshments

Bridge to Brisbane
WOW, can' believe it is that time again! The annual Bridge to Brisbane event is this Sunday 02nd Sept! I hope most of you are doing it as it is a great fun run with 40,000 of your closest running buddies!

If you would like to meet up before hand, we will be at the Garage near the Start line from 5:15am
Otherwise if you are keen for a catch up and post race debrief, we will be hanging on the grass near the Suncorp Tent.

See the website for all the transport and race start times:

And to all those Dads out there......have a GREAT Fathers day!

Save the Date: BRS 3rd Birthday Party 
Don't forget to pen in Saturday afternoon/night of 13th October for our third BRS Birthday party!  Details coming soon.

Design Comp Winner 
On Monday night we announced the winner of the BRS design competition. The winner was Ben Yee with his entry below and he won a $200 Mizuno Voucher. Thanks heaps to everybody who entered and the effort they put in.

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Saturday Session 
This week we head to the Storey Bridge Hotel to start our long run for the week.
I know you all have different goals at the moment, so will run for different durations, but lets meet and start together.

When:  Saturday 25th August, 2012
Where: Meet near the back carpark - Storey Bridge Hotel
Time: 6:30am
What: 1.5 hour endurance run - or longer depending on your current goals
Cost: $2 for refreshments.

Sunshine Coast Marathon Festival 
This weekend is the inaugural Sunshine Coast Marathon Festival. I know many of you are competing. It is always exciting doing a new course and the buzz of a new event. I will be there cheering you on! See you there.

Fast Track Results
Well Big thanks to Mizuno for our BRS entry to the last 2 Events of the Fast Track Series  I had a great time, really enjoyed it and I know the others did to.

This week we did exceptionally well in the 4km event. Steve B came in first, myself and Steve G came top ten and Trudy top 20!! That lead to an overall standing of second team!

Big Congrats. Emily is thinking of running a Spring Fast Track Series. I will keep you posted as I would love to put in a few teams.

BRS On Tour

WOW only three week until 20 BRSers make their way down to Sydney for the Sydney Running Festival and BRS on TOUR!!!

Our On Tour Singlets arrive on 5th September, then all there is to do is keep up the training, pack, and hit the airport! I can't wait.

Get Amongst it!!
There are heaps of fun runs coming up over the next few months, that is why I love this time of year, the 'pressure' events are over the casual fun runs begin.
Bridge to Brisbane only 10 sleeps away
Byron Bay Lighthouse Run and Toowoomba Running Festival 21st October
Cool Night Classic, Mousdash, and Santa Run in November
and more!!
Get in and have a go!!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Saturday, B'day Dinner, & More

Thanks for the 55 BRSers who have joined as a squad member for 2012/2013! We are looking forward to a fun filled, jam packed year full of running, events, more running, dinners, even more running, friendships and of course partying!! Bring it on!!

Those who are yet to renew, click here:

Quarterly Birthday Dinner & Uniform Design winner
 When: Monday 27th August
Time: 7:15pm after training
Where: Bamboo Basket, 199 Grey Street, opposite Active Stride
What: Join us to celebrate the Birthdays of our members who matured another year between July-Sept!  + the announcement of the On-Tour Uniform Design winner and presentation of the Mizuno $200 voucher!!
RSVP: at training or email by Friday 24th August.

Saturday Session
With lots of shorter events coming up, this weekend we will again take advantage of the Park Run at New Farm to do a shorter effort after a longer warm up.

If you can't make it for Park Run, come along for the first run, if you can't make it for the first run, just join us for park Run!!

When: Saturday 18th August
Where: New Farm Park Rotunda
Time: 6am Start - note earlier than usual start for a good 50min run first
What: 50mins long run, followed by participation in the 5km Park Run

You can register for Park Run at www.

As I have mentioned before, it is not a race, but simply an opportunity to participate in a free community 5km flat run and practice your pacing!!

Upcoming Events
see the calendar for whats up!

Early bird and entries are closing soon for the following events:

Sunshine Coast Marathon Festival: Sunday August 26th
Bridge to Bridge: Sunday 02nd September
Sydney Marathon Festival: Sunday 16th September
Byron Bay Lighthouse Run: Sunday 21st October (early bird closes 31st October)

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Brisbane Running Festival, Sat Session, B2B

Brisbane Running Festival Wrap Up

Massive congratulations to all who participated on the weekend. Nearly everybody I have spoken to did a PB on what I hear was a reasonably hilly course,.....but then again, we had home ground advantage!!

A few mentions, Darrell came 1st in his age group with a 5min PB in the half marathon.
Matty C came 10th overall in the 10km, and Ben G, came 12th - well done gentlemen!!

We had a MASSIVE BRS turn out and heaps of amazing times, and as a result BRS won the Robert de Castella Team Trophy Competition. 

Robert De Castella Winning Gold in 1982

For this comp, teams were scored in a cross country format, where the lowest score wins.

Scores were calculated:
1. Overall position for the first 5 team members who finish each event will be aggregated
2. Each team participant receives 2 point credit which will be deducted from the total
3. Lowest score wins!!

We won a signed shirt by Robert de Castella! we will hold onto it for our end of year party for a worthy recipient!!

Well Done and Thanks BRS!

Saturday Session

This Saturday we will be doing our long endurance run from the Regatta

When: Saturday 11th August
Time: 6:30am
Where: Meet in front of the Regatta on the Bike path (near the city cat stop)
What: 1.5 hour run, choice of circuits 11km, 13km, 15km
Cost: $2 refreshments

Followed by Breaky at the Regatta

I am looking for some test wearers on Saturday to test some new running sunglasses, Pursuit Active and write me a short review. If you are interested, let Matt or I know on Saturday.

Bridge to Brisbane - get your entry in now! 
Don't forget Bridge to Brisbane isn't too far away....02nd September.

Get your entries in now!

  • Entry Link:
  • Team Entry Details:  Join an existing team:  5km BRS Team Code = 73028, 10km BRS Team code = 78760, no discounts here, but again join our TEAM !!
  • Early Bird where applicable: no early bird $36

Reminder, please fix up your 2012/2013 membership that would be appreciated!

****Winner of the On Tour Design Comp to be announced next week****

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Olympics and Weekend events!

Olympic Must Sees
Been struggling to remember what is on when? Well lucky athletics are yet to start, so you haven't missed anything yet!!
I found a great guide in Aussie time, take a look and don't miss a beat!!

Olympic Womans Marathon BRS get together
Don't have foxtel, join the club!  but you still don't want to miss the woman's marathon?? sooo.
When: this Sunday 5th August
Where: Story Bridge Hotel
Time: 7:30pm - marathon starts at 7:55pm
What: eats, drinks and watch the marathon

Saturday Session 
This week is a light session as we have the Brissy Running Festival on Sunday, probably more about the Breaky afterwards!!

When: Saturday 4th August
Where: meet on the corner of Park Road and Gordon Road, Milton
Time: 7:30am **note change of time**
What: 45min-1hr casual run, followed by breaky     AND those doing the Bris Running Festival we have timed it so you can duck across and pick up your packs from In Training at 10am.

Brissy Marathon Festival
This Sunday is the Brisbane Running Festival. As the course is new, I am not sure of the best spot to meet. The start line is on Alice Street and the finish is turning right off the path into the river stage.
I will be near the start and will then move for the finish. So keep an eye out for the Blue and White near the start line.

Lots happening this weekend.

Happy Running
Renae & Matt