Wednesday, May 24, 2017

This Weekend, and Thanks for last weekend

Saturday Session

This weekend Renae and I will be at a wedding all weekend (awesome!!!) and Matt and Liss are heading back out to Warwick for a family function.  So there will be no coaches.  Dan and Liss are planning an early morning run from home to Southbank area so they may be around.

Everyone else, meet at the stairs of the Southbank Surf Club and plan your own run.  I am sure there will be a lot of you looking for a long run.

When: Saturday 20th May

Where: Meet on the Stairs of the Southbank Surf Club

6am - 7:30am

Heaps of options!!! 5km Parkrun at 7am, UQ Loops, Out and Backs, Story Bridge and so much more!! 

If you are following the BRS Lead up to Cooks Plan - this week is a rest week.  So 12km only.  NICE!!!!

Congratulations and Thanks

A massive congratulations to all who ventured out to Warwick last weeken for the Pentathrun.  I love these smaller events, no hassles with parking and always a great atmosphere.  

I want to make special mention and a big thanks to Nick and Michelle W for taking such awesome photos.  And thanks to others who also shared some photos with us.

Happy Running

BRS Coaches

Thursday, May 18, 2017

This Weekend

Warwick Pentathrun...Only 2 sleeps to go!!

This awesome community events has featured on the BRS Calendar for some time now! Gaining momentum last year when we made it our mini BRS on Tour! 

We are back for more this year. 

Friday May 19th 2017
Race Number Collection from 5:00pm with new Registrations from 6:00pm both finishing at 8:00pm – WIRAC (YMCA), Cnr Albert & Palmerin St, (Albert St Entrance) Warwick.

Saturday May 20 th 2017

Race 1 - YMCA / WIRAC Half Marathon 21.1klm –
Warwick to Yangan (Race starts at WIRAC, Palmerin St, Warwick and finishes at Yangan)
5:30am - 6:15am - Registration
6:30am - Race Start (Shuttle bus return, Last returning bus 9.50am ‘ish)
Breakfast provided for runners after race and return buses available back to Warwick

Race 2 - Warwick Credit Union X-Country 4.6klm –
Allora Golf Course, Allora (Race starts and finishes at Allora Sports Clubhouse)
10:30am - 11:15am - Registration
11:30am - Race Start (staggered start) Race is two laps of the Allora golf course following the course outlined by white stakes with flags attached.

Race 3 - Darling Downs Hotel 5klm Road Race
(Race starts and finishes at Darling Downs Hotel, Sandy Creek Road)
1:30pm - 2:15pm - Registration
2:30pm – Race Start Race is a flat out and back course with staggered start.
5:00pm - Awards Presentations for Races 1, 2 & 3
Slade Campus, Warwick Cristian College, 70 Horsman Drive, Warwick.

Dinner: Bring on Chinese!!
We have booked a LARGE Table, so come and join us. 
Chung Hing Licensed Chinese Restaurant after the awards

Sunday May 21 st 2017 

Race 4 – Nike Robina Ascent 10km 
(Bus to Killarney race start leaves WIRAC Hall, Palmerin St at 5.45am) 
(Race starts Cedar St near the Killarney High School and finishes at Queen Mary Falls) 6:15am - 6:35am - Registration
6:45am - Race Start (Free bus return to start. Last bus returns 8:30am) 

Return bus will take runners to either the race start in Killarney or back to Warwick. 

Race 5 - Voyage Fitness 1500m 
(Race starts and Finishes at Leslie Park, Warwick) 
10:00am - 10:30am - Registration 
11:00am - Race Start Main Race first followed immediately by the Kids/Walkers Presentations for Races 4 & 5 at Leslie Park Band Rotunda with BBQ available. Overall 

Winners will be presented from 11:30am.

PHEW 42.2km done!!!  We can't wait to help them celebrate 15 years of such a wonderful and challenging community event!

Good luck to all our runners. 

PSST.....Remember, BRS Man is turning up and word has it....he has a new superhero outfit! Stay tuned. 

Saturday Session

As all coaches will be at Warwick,  running up a storm, there will be no coaches on Saturday. Don't let that stop you!

Meet up and spend a lovely Saturday morning running around Brisbane. 

When: Saturday 20th May

Where: Meet on the Stairs of the Southbank Surf Club

6am - 7:30am

Heaps of options!!! 5km Parkrun at 7am, UQ Loops, Out and Backs, Story Bridge and so much more!! 

If you are following the BRS Lead up to Cooks Plan - you should be running 21-23km this Saturday.  Then look forward to a rest week with a short 12km run.

Happy Running

BRS Coaches 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Saturday Session & Upcoming Events

Saturday Session

This weekend, we will head back to Southbank for our Saturday Session. 

When: Saturday 1st April

Where: Meet on the Stairs of the Southbank Surf Club

6am - 7:30am

Heaps of option!!! 5km Parkrun at 7am, UQ Loops, Out and Backs, Story Bridge and so much more!! 

If you are following the BRS Lead up to Cooks Plan - you should be running the magic 21km this Saturday.  Next week we are using the Warwick Pentathrun event as our long run, and then look forward to a rest week with a short 12km run.

Those of you who are running longer distances, talk to each other via facebook messenger to organise an early start. 

Parking - don't forget only $2 under Southbank from 5am-9am or 10am with your parkrun token. 

Session Cost: $2 

Up Coming Events

Warwick Pentathrun
Saturday 20th May - Sunday 21st May

 Less than 2 week to go!  We are very much looking forward to this weekend of running.  I hope everyone has their accommodation booked and don't forget about dinner Saturday night at Chung Hing Licensed Chinese Restaurant.

I have read that there will be day 1 event presentations at the official event dinner on Saturday night.  I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but, I hope anyone out there expecting to place on day 1 is not too disappointed to miss the presentation.  I am sure we can organise some way of getting any trophies received.

I have also heard a rumour that BRS Man may be making an appearance, and he is very excited to show off his new outfit!

Gold Coast Marathon
Saturday 1st July - Sunday 2nd July

We have officially paid for all entrants to the events on the weekend of the Gold Coast Marathon.
We have elected to do a group collection for the race packs, so, this means you (the entrants) have to do nothing>  How good is that?
We will try to hand out as many race packs as we can prior to the events, but as we cannot pick up the packs until Thursday before at the earliest, we will bring the packs to the tent before all events and you can pick them up there.

Yes, we will be bringing the BRS tent again this year and setting it up in the same area as last year (opposite Palmerston Towers in Mitchel Park)

As we don't have a hotel booked this year, only a camp site, we were looking at having the after race celebration in Mitchel Park and order pizzas.  We are open to suggestions however on this matter.

Happy Running
BRS coaching team

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Saturday Session, Not far until Warwick, new BRS member

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 6th May

Where: Meet at Captain Burke Park

Time: 6am - 7:30am

What: If you are following the Cooks Lead up program, this week is 20km. Others have your own goals and aspirations, walk/running, 5km, 10km, 20km!! come along and go for it!

Cost: $2

Followed by  Coffee and Breaky, of course!

Only 3 Weeks to Go

Yes it is that close!  The Warwick Pentathrun is closing in fast.  I hope every one is ready and has their accomodation booked.

We have dinner planned for Saturday night 20th at Chung Hing Liscensed Chinese Restaurant.
Because who doesn't like chinese food?????

New Honorary Member

Welcome to the squad Georgia Rose Dempsey, born on the 26th April at 8:36am.
Massive Congratulations to the proud Mum and Dad, Bridgett and Dan.

Happy Running

BRS coaches