Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ending 2017, beginning 2018!

Ending 2017

For some of us, 2017 has been a fabulous year of running, PBs, goals, and new events.
For some it has been a year of working hard on injury rehab, getting stronger and fitter.

But hopefully for all of us, it has been a year of enjoying each others company and continuing our passion for all things running.

If you can.....let us end 2017 by..........RUNNING!!

Saturday Session

It is still hot, so it is still Southbank Lagoon time!

When: Saturday 30 December

Time: 6am - 7:30am

Where: Meet near the stairs of the Southbank Social Bar (formally Southbank Surf Club)

What: whatever you like (as long as it involves running/walking!) 8-10km warm up then parkrun, a 1.5 hour run, 5km parkrun! choices, choices 

Cost: $2

Followed by a dip, breaky and coffee!!!!

Beginning 2018

Yep you guessed it.....with a run  BUT MORE!!

Monday Run 

When: Monday 1 January New Years day!

What: A Run, A Swim, A Burger!!

Details Below.
5pm public holiday start & different start location
One coach will remain with the gear while you run, so feel free to bring a backpack with a change of clothes for dinner

Website Teaser

SOOOO close now! Here is a sneak peak at our new Website. We hope this helps to provide you with better, more relevant and more dynamic information in 2018. 

Happy Running and wishing you a safe and super start to 2018. 

BRS Coaches 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Saturday Session + Holiday Hours + GC Marathon

We have loved this week's sessions leading up to Christmas! 
Our seven sleeps til Christmas with Renae on Monday, followed up by Matt's 5 days sleeps til Christmas on Wednesday. 

What will our 2 sleeps til Christmas session bring? 

Thanks to those who came along for a end of year catch up on Monday night. So wonderful to see you all. 

Saturday Session

I can feel a swim coming on!!  Let's hit Southbank this week to enjoy the refreshing post run dip!

It is the time of year that energy out is even more important as some of us tend to up the energy in! 
So we hope to see you for a Saturday Run!

When: Saturday 23rd December

Time: 6am - 7:30am

Where: Meet near the stairs of the Southbank Social Bar (formally Southbank Surf Club)

What: whatever you like (as long as it involved running!) 8-10km warm up then parkrun, a 1.5 hour run, 5km parkrun! choices are endless.

Cost: $2

Followed by Breaky and coffee!!!!

Holiday Hours

Thanks to our awesome coaches and support crew....the running continues!!

Monday 25th - No BRS Session (Southbank parkrun if you're keen!)

Wednesday 27th - BRS as normal (6pm-7pm The Ship Inn)

Saturday 30th - BRS as normal 6am (location TBA)

Monday 1st - SPECIAL EVENT!!  Run, Swim, Burgers (5pm-6pm Run meet Southbeach Social Stairs, 6pm Swim 6:45pm Dinner Grill'd)

Wednesday 3rd - BRS as normal (6pm-7pm The Ship Inn)

Gold Coast Marathon

Setting your 2018 Running Goals?

Don't forget to add in the Gold Coast Marathon Running Festival with BRS!
Team entries are open 

Join the BRS team- 10% discount and more 

Password: BRS

Happy Running
BRS Coaches 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Saturday Session & this weekend

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 16th December

Where: Meet on the Stairs of the Southbank Surf Club

Time:  6am - 7:30am

Cost: $2

Dan will be there to direct traffic and provide drinks and lollies afterwards.  Thanks heaps Dan.

Misty Mountain Trail Run

The reason Renae or myself wont be at running on saturday morning is because we will be competing in the Misty Mountain trail Run.

We usually tack on sme camping with the family when we do these events, so, we will be having fun in a caravan park at the base of Mount Warning.

If anyone else is interested in this event it is not too late to enter.  they will be taking entries on the day.

What: Misty Mountain Trail Run event.  Run inside a giant shield volcano! 

When:  Sunday 17th December

Time:   NSW Daylight saving time
            7am (50k/30k)
            8am (20k/11k/5k)

Happy Running

BRS Coaches

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Saturday Session & Christmas Party

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 9th December

Where: Meet on the Stairs of the Southbank Surf Club

Time:  6am - 7:30am

Cost: $2

Christmas Party

It's that time of the year again when Santa is in town.

Dinner with friends sounds like a plan to me.

When: Monday 18th December

Where: The Ship Inn, Southbank

Time: 7:15pm (after training)

Friends and family welcome to come along.  Just let me know so I can confirm numbers.