Thursday, November 29, 2018

Saturday Session + July 2019

Saturday Session

This weekend is the final hit out for our GC 50 runners!

Based on votes Wednesday night, this week we head to the Story Bridge for our long run start and finish. It also marks the 1st day of December!

When: Saturday 1 December

Time: 6am-7:30am

Where: Meet at Captain Burke Park  

Cost: Free - don't forget your drink bottles for after!

What: Long Run, shorter run with stretchy, run/walk......whatever your preferences

Followed by Coffee and Breaky at Puk or Main Street Cafe, Story Bridge 

Brisbane Trail Ultra Event Sat 6 July 19

As posted this week on FB, after chatting with members and coaches, it is time to try something new, Brissy based and very exciting for our main middle of the year event.

Swapping out our GC Festival for Brisbane's newest Trail/Road event in 2019......
Brisbane Ultra Trail Run!!
Options GALORE!
30 km Solo and Relay
60 km Solo and Relay
110 km Solo and Relay
100 Mile Solo
Check it out here:

Get ready to enter, opening 15 December, and expected to sell fast!

Keen for a 15km run...start planning your team! Pair with another BRSer to tackle the 30km as a team. Or even a team of 4 for the 60km! Options, Options. 

Happy Running
BRS Coaches 

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Saturday and Hooray for 9 years!

Trip Down Memory Lane! 

Thanks to all our BRSers who joined us to celebrate 9 years of everything running, challenge, partying, adventures, and friendships. 

So many of you were at our first birthday, so to still have you there at our 9th really means a lot. We also enjoyed having how newer members come along and experience the BRS hospitality!

In 9 years, we have celebrated our birthdays at

  • The Ship Inn 
  • The Story Bridge (Rubik's Rube)
  • Sassafras Paddington (Reality TV)
  • The Fox Hotel (Murder Mystery)
  • Plum Tucker (Mexican!)
  • Southbank Surf Club 
  • Sandstone Point (Oyster Festival)
  • The Races
  • Carl's at Tenneriffe! (wine tasting)

So where will we venture to to celebrate a decade???
Put your thinking caps on!

a few snippets of joy

Saturday Session

The hot weather is starting to creep in!   Maybe its time to start bringing your togs?

When: Saturday 24 November
Time:  6am-7:30am
Where: Meet steps of Southbank Social
Parking: $2 after 5am before 9am or 10am with your parkrun barcode 

What: Options galore! parkrun at 7am, warm up and parkrun, long run, choose your adventure. 
+ a swim for those interested
+ breaky and coffee (compulsory :-)  ) 

Cost; free 

At this stage no run leads will be present. Stay safe, enjoy your run and swim! 

Happy Running


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Coops Corner, Saturday Session and Party Time

Coop's Corner

Running friends,

While I was running with a mate this morning he said something so familiar to me. He hardly catches up with his  ‘other friends' these days but will see running mates 2-3 times a week. How true is this. I often think it is largely due to time management and that in our busy lives if you can combine tasks (socialising and running) then it is win-win. But thinking past that, most of the socialising I do, outside of work and running, still tends to be the same friends that I run with? Why?
Watching some stimulating morning tv this morning while sitting in the hospital chair getting my 8 weekly medication fix, there was a segment on repairing lost friendships. Some relationship guru from the States discussed some research. It takes 50 hours of contact to build a superficial friendship, and 200 hours of contact to establish a strong/genuine friendship.
When we are chatting through our long runs with a companion, or talking between gasps for air in rep sessions, we are building those connections that go on to build true strong friendships. And while we (we meaning runners) are all individuals, we share some common beliefs and values that tie us together. And we don't HAVE to talk about running all the time!  So it is no surprise really that running buddies are the ones we naturally hang out with even when we are not wearing Mizunos or dressed in blue and white.
On that note, see you all Saturday!

Saturday Session

Friendly reminder, Mizuno have an extra special Test Wear Session this weekend, Sat + Sun. 
Sounds like fun + you get a Mizuno T-shirt

There will be 5 different shoes for you to test and the order of the shoes will be given on the day:
Test shoes 1: 2-3kms
Test shoes 2: 2-3kms
Test shoes 3: 2-3kms
Test shoes 4: 2-3kms
Test shoes 5: 2-3kms
The runs can be completed at your own pace and in your own time. 

Interested? See what spots are left and book in!

BRS Session is at Southbank this weekend to accommodate those giving Test Wear a Go!

NOTE;  different start and finish point to usual

Where: Southbank - Picnic Island Green in front of Mado Turkish Restaurant 

Date: 17 November 

Time: 6am-7:30am

What: Test Wear Session, Long run, warm up and park run. 

Breaky and Coffee to follow. 

Please look out for Mizuno Mel who will be there at the Mizuno Flags and say HI!! 

Cost: Free

BRS Birthday Party, this Saturday Afternoon Night!

Thanks to those who RSVPed to attend our event on Saturday. 

Wine Tasting, followed by an after party, followed by an after after party!!

Wine Tasters, please arrive at 2:45pm

Looking forward to announcing the winners of our 2018 Most Consistent, Most Improved, and Runner's Runner. 

Happy Running


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Saturday Session, RSVP to the xmas party, Vote now for Runners Runner

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 10th December

Where: Meet in the car park opposite the UQ Sports Athletic Centre, Sir William Macgregor Drive, University of Queensland

Time: 6am - 7:30am

What: Options. 6am go for a long warm up/long run, then St Lucia Park Run which leaves from alongside the Aquatic Centre car parks.
6am go for a long run only.
7am join the crew for a fast park run then breaky.

Cost: free

Breaky at Saint Lucy's Cafe.  Next to the pro tennis shop at the tennis courts.

Vote for your Runners Runner this 2018

When you vote, think of someone in the club who has inspired you, makes you want to keep running, makes you look forward to seeing them at the nest run or event.

Come on guys, we only have 6 votes so far. Make it count.

We will announce the winner of the fine trophy (mug) at the xmas party on 17 November at 5pm.
We will also be announcing the winners of the Most Consistent, and Most Improved runners.

Party Reminder

Combined birthday and christmas part for BRS.

When:  Saturday 17th November

Time: 3pm - 6pm

Where: Carl's Cellar Door, Cafe and Wine Bar.
            22 Wyandra St, Newstead

What:  Carl's is part of City Winery Brisbane which is a micro-brewery based right here in the city of Brisbane.  Gerler is the brand name of the wine they produce.

It holds a special place in my mine and Renae's heart as it is the love child of my  Brother in Law and Sisters dream for many years.  Finally they have found partners who share their passion and have produced some beautiful wines and a cool, funky space to drink them.  I would like to share this with my other large family, Brisbane Run Squad.

Join us for a special wine tasting from 3pm - 4pm, hosted by Dave (wine maker and my brother in law), followed by some more partying and food until 6pm.

Don't want to taste wine (weirdo's), that's ok.  Arrive at 4pm for the party.

Bring the kids!  There is a space out the back of the bar for the kids to play safely and securely.  We can get a supervisor rotation going.

Cost: $25 pp for the wine tasting 3pm - 4pm.  Includes tasting Gerler wines accompanied                         by smaller bites.
         $20 pp 4pm - 6pm includes more substantial bites and a cash bar.
         Combined will cost $45 pp. 

Afterwards we can send the kids home and continue on with the party.

Hope to see you all there.

Please RSVP by 10th November via email or SMS
0447578200 or 0447578205.  Please reply with yes or no to wine tasting.  I will then sent you and invoice.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Saturday Session and some remiders

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 3rd November

Where: Meet at the Rotunda, New Farm Park

Time: 6am - 7:30am

What: Options. 6am go for a long warm up/long run, then New Farm Park Run which leaves from very near the meeting point at 7am

Cost: free

Breaky at the Jan Power Markets afterwards.  Plenty of options.

Vote Now

Don't forget to have your say this year.

Don't forget to RSVP ti the xmas party and wine tasting.

It is that time of the year again for us as a squad to vote.

Vote for your Runners Runner this 2018.

When you vote, think of someone in the club who has inspired you, makes you want to keep running, makes you look forward to seeing them at the nest run or event.

Come on guys, we only have 4 votes so far. Make it count.

We will announce the winner of the fine trophy (mug) at the xmas party on 17 November.

Happy Runnning

BRS Coaches