Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Saturday Session and Something New in the Air

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 2nd February

Where: meet Southbank Social Stairs 

Time: 6am-7:30am

What: Continuing the summer about a long run with a swim.....parkrun and a swim....warm up then parkrun and a swim!!

General theme.....RUN  then  SWIM  then COFFEE/BREAKY

Liss will be there to co-ordinate.

Parking: under Southbank in the Southbank Carpark. $2 in after 5am and out before 9am. 

Cost: free (note: no drinks or refreshments, but drink taps available) 

Something New

Our BRS CoOp Members are pumped to introduce the new BRS website..

It has undergone some major changes, or closer to knock the whole thing down and rebuild everything.

We wanted to revamp our brand, but, not our values.  Some things will change, but our commitment to the running community, safety, knowledge sharing and inspiration will not change.

Take a wander through the new site......We are good, but not perfect so let us know if something doesn't work or is a little off!

Stay tuned for the BRS Re-Launch Party, tentatively booked on Saturday 23rd Feb from 4pm.

New website here:

Save the Date

When: Saturday 23rd Feb

Time: 4pm - late

What:  BRS Re-Launch Party.

What else:  Location to be confirmed.  Kids and family welcome.  We are looking at a kid friendly location from 4pm, then out for dinner and drinks.
There will be prizes, a run through of the new web site,  perfect time to join as a member of the new BRS!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Saturday Session

As we noted in last week's blog, 2 trail run options this week.

Free sessions..............and don't forget a hydration pack! It is going to be hot. 

Saturday Session (2 options)

When: Saturday 26th Jan (Aussie day)

Meet: Enoggera Reservoir, meet in carpark of Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre

What:  Trail run around the dam.  Lets get the training for "on tour" started.
            In addition to a long trail run there will be an option to do some Spartan training                                incorporating kayaking, swimming and more.  Please let me know if you are keen for this                  as  I need to design a session based on numbers.

After the run, we will hit the Dam for a refreshing dip and if you fancy a recovery swim..there are plenty of options. 

Time:  6am - 7:30am Run, followed by a swim, 6am-8am for Spartan

Cost: Free

Breaky:  Lets do breaky after at Walkabout Creek Cafe.


Meet: Underwood Park, Underwood Road, Priestdale.

What: Trail Run with Coops, Liss, Dan, Nick and Clare

Time: 6am - 7:30am

Cost: Free

Breaky:  As always to follow.  Location to be discussed.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Next Couple of Saturday Sessions & Save the Date

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 19th Jan

Meet: New Farm Park Rotunda

What: Opportunity for a warm up followed by parkrun or a long run or just parkrun. 

Time6AM - 7:30AM

Cost: Free

Breaky: Following the run, plenty of options at the New Farm Markets.

Saturday Session (2 options)

When: Saturday 26th Jan (Aussie day)

Meet: Enoggera Reservoir, meet in carpark of Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre

What:  Trail run around the dam.  Lets get the training for "on tour" started.
            In addition to a long trail run there will be an option to do some Spartan training                                incorporating kayaking, swimming and more.  Please let me know if you are keen for this                  as  I need to design a session based on numbers.

Time:  6am - 7:30am (8am for Spartan)

Cost: Free

Breaky:  Lets do breaky after at Walkabout Creek Cafe.


Meet: Underwood Park, Underwood Road, Priestdale.

What: Trail Run with Coops, Liss, Dan, Nick and Clare

Time: 6am - 7:30am

Cost: Free

Breaky:  As always to follow.  Location to be discussed.

Save the Date

What:  BRS On Tour 2019
           Raglan Karoio Trail Race, New Zealand

When:  Thursday 12/12 - Thursday 19/12
             Race day Saturday 14/12

Lock it in!!!

Happy Running
BRS Coaches

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Saturday Session & Coops Corner & Monday Socials

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 12th January

Where: meet Southbank Social Stairs 

Time: 6am-7:30am

What: Continuing the summer about a long run with a swim.....parkrun and a swim....warm up then parkrun and a swim!!

General theme.....RUN  then  SWIM  then COFFEE/BREAKY

Parking: under Southbank in the Southbank Carpark. $2 in after 5am and out before 9am. 

Cost: free (note: no drinks or refreshments, but drink taps available) 

Coops Corner

New Years Resolutions

Whether you are a ‘resolutioner' or not, a new year is certainly a great time to think about what running will look like for you in 2019. A fresh start. An empty canvas to paint a new Van Gough master piece (or perhaps something closer to an abstract Picasso piece?). This week's corner is a collection of suggestions to get your year started the right way. In no particular order.

1.      1. Enter. Finish. Celebrate

Some people race more regularly than others. Make 2019 the year you compete more. Lacing up for a race is great for you in many ways (whether you are in PB form or not). It is the most reliable marker in the sand for how you are progressing. Racing is the best type of training; you will always get more out of yourself being surrounded by 100s – 1000s of like minded individuals. Sharing that excitement and euphoria of pre-race and post-race adrenalin with others, especially those in our Blue and White family. And the grit and determination that is needed to get through the tough ones goes on to build character that is transferable to other areas of your life. The BRS race calendar will be shared in the coming weeks. Get out and join us in 2019.

2.       2. Goals, goals, goals

Setting goals (and writing them down) gives you direction. I like to have a goal for the week, month, 3-6 months and for the year. The short term ones change as time goes by, and on occasion depending on how they change, the long term goals change also. Goals can range from an aspirational time for a distance, the mileage or runs you want to cover weekly or for the year, or a different event or terrain to try out.

3.       3.Track it

I have a diary for every year dating back to 2010. They live in my running shorts draw and I often check them for reflection. With Strava, Garmin Connect, Moves Count etc these days that is less needed, but tracking your training in some shape and form is important. Including info on how you felt, who you ran with and where. Any injuries or niggles. All this ‘data' helps identify patterns or trends to help inform your goal setting. Second to this, the act of writing your running down is great reflection in itself.

4.       4.Cows Moo Softly

For those out there that are not primary school teachers, this is the way we helped little ones understand the concept of a ‘fair test' in Science. In any good experiment you want to change one variable, keep the rest the same, and measure something. In terms of running in 2019 – change something but not everything. Do a race you have never done before, try out some cross training, strength work, hit the trails or do some grass work. Something to give you some variety. Keep most things the same. Repeat some key races to judge improvement, stick to BRS sessions and track how you go over some of the more consistent sessions we do. Measure yourself against your goals and change if necessary.

5.       5. Don't sweat the small stuff

Everyone has a bad session, or a bad week. Trust the process that comes from consistent running. This is where the diary, the goals, the competing are important. Any run, even the bad ones (injury aside) are better than not running and build cardio, muscle memory, strength and stamina. But consistency is important. Aim for 3 runs or 4 runs a week and stick to it. This is where improvement lives.
So what do you all do now? Go out tomorrow and buy a $2 student diary, write your goals in the inside cover and go for a run. Just kidding. How or what you do is up to you. But whatever you do, lets make 2019 a great one.

Yours in Blue and white

Monday Social Run

When:  First Monday of every month
Dates being:
Monday 7 January
Monday 4 February
Monday 4 March 
Monday 1 April
Monday 6 May
Monday 3 June
Monday 1 July
Monday 5 August
Monday 2 September
Monday 7 October 
Monday 4 November
Monday 2 December 

What: Saturday session on a Monday.  It's all about having a chat and being social, while getting in some great exercise at the same time.
Following each social run, a table will be booked at The Ship Inn for some dinner and drinks.

Cost: $2

Hope to see everyone there.

Happy Running
BRS Coaches