Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Movember is approaching

Start thinking about what it would be like to be an out of work porn star boys because BRS is putting together a Movember team and we want you in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Each year Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in Australia and around the world, with the sole aim of raising vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.

Men sporting Movember moustaches, known as Mo Bros, become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November and through their actions and words raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health.

To join The BRS team and start raising money simply go to http://au.movember.com/mospace/620676/ and click "join my team".

Or if you wish to donate to this cause go to http://au.movember.com/mospace/620676/ and click "donate to my team".

I am going to look like a real tool if I am the only one at training with a dogey mo, so get on board.

Dont forget about the Mousdash.

When: Sunday 14 Movember, 2010
Where: Mt Cootha, Brisbane
What: 10.5km challenge or 5km summit walk
To enter: http://www.weekendwarriorevents.com.au/mousdash-entry-form.html
In the Corporate Team Name: enter Brisbane Run Squad
Cost: $40 for 10.5km, $30 for 5km
Entries close Friday 12 Movember - no early bird discounts, or team discount

Here are a few ideas for your moustash style to get you in the mood

Happy growing


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our Collaboration Partners - Part 2 Studio Rise

Our 2010/2011 Collaboration Partners working together in the health and fitness industry to benefit our local community

Brisbane Run Squad is proud to announce Studio Rise as one of our collaboration partners for this year

Studio Rise
Personal Training & Spin Studio

Looking for some cross training opportunities to complement your running routine?

Studio Rise, Brisbane’s premier indoor “spin” based studio.
Spin Cycle is a great way to boost your strength, power, and aerobic endurance, helping you to improve your overall fitness & running.

Studio Rise is owned by two motivated, wise and dedicated women Collette O’Brien and Belinda Howard.

"Studio Rise is unique. A sanctuary from the bustle of life. Our riders benefit from the stress free environment allowing them to self-regulate their workout, their body and their mind through motivating and inspirational music. "

Where to find them:
5-7 Byres Street, Newstead

For Spin Timetable and more info see:

for the first 10 people to put a comment on our facebook page wins.....

a Studio Rise Prize of $20 for 3 premier spin classes - an absolute bargin to get you started


Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Key Updates & Rain Policy

Recent Time Trials
BRS Time trials are one of the most critical ways that we as coaches get feedback on athlete performance, improvements, and training effectiveness...........
but more importantly it is the perfect tool for you to realise your improvements in performance, running efficiency and mental fitness. The more monitoring we do as runners, the greater ability we have to understand how we are going, what training is working for us as individuals, and where we need to improve.

Well done to everybody who completed the Beep Test last week and for the group that participated in the stair challenge. Some outstanding improvements and great benchmarks set for the first timers! Keep an eye on the http://www.brisbanerunsquad.com.au/TTResults.php page, as results will be updated this week.

Recent Uniform Order
Those of you who ordered a uniform with Matt recently will be please to know that Champ Systems will have them to use by Monday 25th October. So if you are participating in the Byron Run, you can proudly wear the blue and white!

Twilight 5.2km Early Bird closes in 3 days!
Get in quick and save money, only $20!
Thursday 4th November, 5pm
A fantastic mid week event around familiar territory, botanical gardens and Southbank.
Early Bird Closes: 15 October 2010, cost $20.00
Enter: http://www.pwc.com.au/events/coolnightclassic-brisbane/
Choose: I would like to search for an existing team
Search: Brisbane Run Squad

Updated Rain Policy
It looks like we are in for a rainy summer! So time to review and implement a BRS Rain Policy.
From today the Policy is
BRS training will be:
- ON regardless of rain
- Except if is EXTREME (e.g. thunder, lightening, torrential rain, hail, acid rain!)
- if training is cancelled due to extreme conditions, a twitter/facebook notification will be issued at 5pm
- if it is raining or has been raining extensively, the session will always be a long run on safe surfaces, rather than any hill or speed work. Remember the long runs are important to maintain our base aerobic fitness.
- if in doubt, sms Renae (0447 578 200) or Matt (0447 578 205) around 5pm

Mt Cootha Practice Run this Saturday!
This run is designed to put all your hill and aerobic base work into practice, introduce a new terrain and have some fun getting back to nature!!
When: Saturday 16 October, 2010
Time: 6:30am - 8am
Where: Mt Cootha off road trails
Meet: Slaughter Falls Car Park - near the public toilets on Sir Samuel Griffith Drive, 1st left after Birdwood Terrace http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=34+Sir+Samuel+Griffith+Drive,Mt+Cootha&sll=-27.474923,152.965908&sspn=0.028404,0.082912&ie=UTF8&hq=34+Sir+Samuel+Griffith+Drive,Mt+Cootha&hnear=&ll=-27.471991,152.974234&spn=0.007101,0.020728&z=16
Cost: $6 members, $8 non-members
* all abilities welcome, beginners please join us for a modified version up to the summit lookout and back

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mousdash is fast approaching

Mousdash 2010

According to the organisers of the 2010 Mousdash 10.5km run

"The 10.5km Mousdash run course will test even the seasoned runner, but with a breathtaking, 360 degree vista awaiting every competitor, the pleasure will far outweigh the pain! "

OR for something a little less intense, this year for the first time there is a new option - The Courier-Mail 5km Summit Walk. Enjoy the stunning Brisbane Lookout views at a more leisurely pace and over a shorter distance.

When: Sunday 14 Movember, 2010

Where: Mt Cootha, Brisbane

What: 10.5km challenge or 5km summit walk

In the Corporate Team Name: enter Brisbane Run Squad

Cost: $40 for 10.5km, $30 for 5km

Entries close Friday 12 Movember - no early bird discounts, or team discount

Enter now and participate for a great cause, "the Mousdash is your chance to donate more than just a little sweat to the Movember charity by raising funds and awareness for men's health issues, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men"

Mt Cootha Practice Run
This run is designed to put all your hill and aerobic base work into practice, introduce a new terrain and have some fun getting back to nature!!

When: Saturday 16 October, 2010
Time: 6:30am - 8am
Where: Mt Cootha off road trails

Cost: $6 members, $8 non-members
* all abilities welcome, beginners please join us for a modified version up to the summit lookout and back.

Happy Running
Renae & Matt