Thursday, February 28, 2013

Park Run + MORE!!!

BRS Hosts Park Run for the Month of March!!

Park Run is a fabulous organisation which runs a 5km free run every Saturday all around the world!! We have several locations in Brisbane now and every event is run by volunteers. Their philosophy is simple, to get more people running!!

We have proudly been asked to host Southbank Park Run for the month of March, jointly with Active Stride. This means each week, BRS will instruct the warm up and get as many BRSers there as possible!!

BRS at Park Run
02 March: BRS Saturday Run will include Park Run - with our volunteers doing a reccy of the course

09th March: BRS DAY!!!!  We will be man/womaning the course with BRS volunteers and lets get as many BRS runners there as possible! I am hoping you can stay around afterwards to help out with any questions Park Runners might have about how awesome BRS is to join!!!

16th March: BRS instructs Warm up & Saturday run will include Park Run

23rd March: BRS instructs Warm up (twilight next day!)

30th March: BRS Saturday Run will be the Park Run Challenge - how many 5km laps can you do in 1.5 hours!!!!

please register at  prior to the event, remember its FREE!!!

Lets get into the spirit of Park Run...bring friends, family, the pram!!!!

Saturday Run

This week we will start at Active Stride Southbank for our endurance run. We will do 25mins out and back - finishing at the start of Park Run at Riverside Green (next to Streets Beach) to finish with a 5km! 

When: Saturday 02nd March
Where: Meet at Active Stride or Riverside Green - Southbank
Time:  Active Stride 6am for a 50min warm up run, 6:50am at Riverside Green for 5km Park Run
What: 50min endurance run + 5km Park Run where you can push it or simply enjoy the atmosphere!
Cost: $2 for refreshments

24th March: Twilight Get in Now!!

We are coming equal 3rd on the leaderboard for the biggest Team at the Twilight Festival!!
Haven't entered yet, get in now!!!


Remember its an afternoon run with a 1km Kids Bolt, 3km, 10km, 21km run!

Beginners Course

We have 10 people signed up for the Beginners Course starting mid March!.
Spread the word to friends, family or sign up yourself!! I am really pumped about this, the more people BRS can inspire, coach and educate to run....the happier it makes us and it more runners to socialise with! 

Pass on our information sheet link!! 

Get in now!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Saturday Session & What's coming...

Saturday Session

This week we are heading to UQ to do a practice run for the Twilight Running Festival on 24th March.
It is a great way to get to know the course to understand what to expect on the day....oh and because it is a nice run!! Breaky at Regatta afterwards.

When: Saturday 23rd February
Time: 6-7:30am
Where: Meet in the Carpark, opposite the Athletics Track at UQ Sir William Macgregor Drive
What: a run of the 10km course with a little bit extra - remember the 10km course is also the half marathon x 2)
Cost: $2

Breaky at the Regatta Hotel afterwards about 8am

What's coming up!!!

Don't forget for all your upcoming events, codes, and generally what's happening for BRS.....see our new What's On Page

Memory Joggers.....
Saturday 09th March is BRS day at Park Run....we have 10 BRS volunteers and I would love to see heaps more of us out there running!!
Bring the family, bring is a great event!!!

Thursday 28th February is the final date for the special launch offer for the new City2South, get your entries in now!!!

Benny G Goes Bald

Hi Guy’s,

I’m doing the World’s Greatest Shave and going completely bald, I think I’ll be losing my locks on Sunday the 10th so everybody will be able to see it at training on the 11th. The story and link (and a great picture of me when I had long hair) to my donation page are below.

Thanks in advance,


Most of us know somebody who has been affected by cancer. I'm being brave and doing the World's Greatest Shave! this year to support this great cause and help raise both awareness and vital funds required for research and treatment.

Please help me to support this great initiative, every donation counts no matter how small!.

Your donation will fund vital blood cancer research and free support for people with leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

To sponsor me online now, just click on this link to my personal fundraising page >

Thanks for your support!

Happy Running

Renae & Matt

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wrap Ups, Congrats, & Saturday Session

In 2013 at Brisbane Run Squad, we are offering many different pieces of the puzzle to help you achieve your goals!

What better way to tell you about them, than to summarise our launch!!

1. Our philosophy in 2013 - we will continue to focus on 1) Inspiring   2) Coaching  3) Enjoyment !!

2. New Uniform Ordering Process
a) Uniforms ordered 4 times a year - see calendar for dates  * current order just closed*
b) All available uniforms are listed on the uniform page (note new sizing, & decreased prices!!)
c) Order on-line via form on Uniform Page

3. BRS On Tour - To Phuket Running Festival
This is exciting!! Ever wanted to do a international running event? want to explore Thailand with awesome mates??  Jump in now. Info sheet with prices, itinerary, hotels, and booking details, click here

4. BRS Beginners Program
For the first time, we will be running a 10 week program focused on first-time runners - commencing 18th March. Kick start your running lifestyle, bring a friend, start running with confidence!!
For details, dates, prices and booking, see the information sheet here

5. 'Getting Tougher in 2013' Program
·   wanting to improve your performance by combining strength and conditioning training with regular running sessions...this program is for you!
·         It is also a lead up to Tough Mudder on 18th August...but you don't have to be a Tough Mudder to participate in the program
·         Commencing 20th May for 13 weeks including a weekly gym session with a trainer!! .....see the information sheet for details and booking here

6. Sports Super Centre Events
Travis came along to tell us about the benefits of entering the series as a Gold Coast Marathon lead up...a great idea! enter now!

6. Our Updated BRS Calendar and New WHAT"S ON page!
Stay up to date, don't miss a beat!!

because before you know will be June!!

Caboolture Wrap Up!
2013-02-09 Dusk to Dawn 2869Go Andy!!!!

What a great night!!! Starting at 6pm at the Caboolture Historical Village 500m track...our BRS teams were out in force!
Our 6hr teams all came top 10, finishing the gruelling event at midnight!!
BRS BAMS (Matt C, Andy, Ben G) won the 6 hour event, completing 86km between them! WT!!
BRS Bees (Hannah, Will, Matt W) completed 74.5 laps coming in 6th...just pipping 7th place getters.......
MnMs (Liss, Keeters, and Nick) 72.5 laps!! 

Our Marathon team was the first Marathon team to cross the line, completing 42km in 3.21!! Top effort Jan, Ben Y, Steve A, and Steve G!!

Sally completed her first even marathon in 4.20mins!!!  WOWSA!!

Congratulations to all our teams who competed!

Saturday Session
When: Saturday 16th February, 2013
Time: 6am - 7:30am
WhereActive Stride, Southbank
What: 1.5 hour endurance run + refreshments + swim (if you are keen, chilly!!!) + breaky
Cost: $2 for refreshments

Next week we will be heading to UQ for our Twlight Reccy, so if you plan to do the 10km or 21km at Twilight, a great opportunity to check out the course!!

Happy Running
Renae & Matt 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

THANKS!! & Saturday Session


Thanks to everybody who attended our 2013 BRS Launch on Sunday! We had over 60 runners attend and special thanks to our sponsors who ALL attended to chat about their companies and their partnership with BRS.
Shane from Mizuno - with his flashy presentation and test wear shoes
Paul & Robson from Active Stride - for bringing merchandise and for answering all those runner questions
Matt & Michelle from RechargeHQ - for getting us all pumped about using Massage in our injury prevention strategy
Lisa - for bringing 10 foam rollers to help us out with some tricks for injury prevention and strengthening
Travis from Sports Super Centre - for informing us about the benefits of participating in the events

Thanks to Matt, Matt and Liss for their help during the night, the Ship Inn for the venue/staff and to everybody else who helped out in pulling the night together.

If you would like a copy of the information sheets for the

  • beginners program
  • 'Getting Tougher in 2013' program
  • BRS on Tour to Phuket 
  • BRS Calendar (both social and running events)
See What's On

Uniform orders end next Wednesday 13th February - get your order in now on our new uniform page:

Sign up for our programs NOW!!

See the launch photos
It is going to be a great year!

Saturday Session

We are hitting Southbank again for our run Saturday morning and we have our BRS event Saturday night at the Caboolture Dusk til Dawn with 4 teams entered.

When: Saturday 09th February, 2013
Time: 6am - 7:30am
Where: Active Stride, Southbank
What: 1.5 hour endurance run + refreshments + swim + lagoon
Cost: $2 for refreshments

See you all soon
Renae & Matt