Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How has running positively effected your life? & This weekend!

We want to hear from you!!

How has running positively impacted your life? Have you made new friends? Have you turned around a life that was on a negative path? Have you gained a zest for life and challenging yourself?

We are really keen for a guest blogger each month to tell us how running has changed your life! People are inspired by hearing other people's stories, inspired to start, regain or continue running!

For your story you get a 1 hour free massage from our Sponsors RechargeHQ to recharge your batteries!!

1Have a story that will be a Facebook and Blog Post on the BRS site that tells us how running has positively impacted your life 
2. Email: info@brisbanerunsquad.com.au if you are keen to participate, we would love to hear from you
3. Random Draw - we will randomly choose and announce a guest blogger and let you know when we would like the story and word length etc

If you are chosen, you receive a
 free massage and know you have inspired us all!

This Weekend - Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February

Saturday 14th February - Valentines day Strength & Conditioning! 

Our first strength & conditioning for February so that means a new program!! 

Join us to receive guidance on your February S&C program, have fun, be challenged, and breaky with friends!


When: Saturday 14th February
Time: 6am-7:30am
Where: Captain Burke Park, Story Bridge Kangaroo Point 
Cost: Great value only $2 for members, $4 non-members. 

Breaky/coffee afterwards. 

S&C Program Recap:

The plan is to have 2 S&C Saturday Sessions per month. However, this is not nearly enough of this type of training to be effective. So, to gain the most benefit we would encourage runners to attend our session and then conduct their own sessions during the week using the guide posted on Facebook after the session.

Come along and learn how to perform each exercise correctly, plus get a great running workout that will not only improve your overall fitness and strength but will improve your running as well.

Weight will be used for these sessions, so, as we don't own 20 sets of weights, can you please bring your own set of dumbbells. If you are unsure of the amount of weight to bring here is a simple test:

You will want 40% of your max single rep bicep curl. To do this do a standing bicep curl using a weight heavy enough to only perform 1 rep. You will want 40% of this weight. Eg: I lift 30kg so I will be using a set of 12kg weights. Renae lifts 12kg, so she will be using a set of 4kg weights. If you are still unsure, use what you use during pump.classes. You can also use elastic therabands if you have them. You only need one set of weights for all exercises (e.g. 2 x ?kg dumbbells). As you get stronger, you will need to increase your weights, so if possible buy a set or dumbbells where you can add weights! 

We welcome members and non-members, runners and walkers or those recovering from running injuries. We are happy to adapt exercises where required. 

Sunday 15th February -Brisbane Road Runners

We will be doing a few of these throughout the year to support a local club, to get regular feedback on our running fitness/times, and to get race practice.

So no better time to start now!! 

When: Sunday 15th February
Where: South Brisbane Sailing Club, 70 Hill End Terrace, West End

Time: 6am start, get there earlier to register

Distance 2k, 5k, 10k & 15k 

Cost: $10 or you can become a member for $25 and each event will only cost $5

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

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