Thursday, August 16, 2018

Saturday Session, Coops Corner and more

Saturday Session

When: Saturday 18th August

Time6am - 8am

Where: Regatta Hotel Carpark, 543 Corronation Dr, Toowong.

What: 2 hour multi-terrain run including roads, trails and of course hills.  Perfect lead up to the Beach to Brother event.

Followed by Breakfast and a coffee of course.

Cost: $2 (I will bring some refreshments)


Breaky, Babies, Banter

Our BRS Family has recently grown and we are well overdue for a Breaky Catch up! 

8am BREAKY - inside the Regatta Hotel
Order your breaky, coffee, and come for a catch up and cuddles. 

All current and former BRSers welcome, we would love to see you. 

No need to RSVP, but feel free to click going on the Facebook event.

Coops' Corner

Threshold: The comfortably uncomfortable!

From most of the conversations I have has with BRSers over the years, I honestly believe Threshold (or tempo) runs are the area that is either over-looked, or unknown. I won’t go into the science of it all (as I don’t know it) but threshold is a term that refers to a ‘zone’ of running that is harder than aerobic running (where energy is purely supplied by oxygen) and anaerobic running (when our friend lactic acid starts to build).

The good thing is this ‘limit’ is flexible. The more you train in this zone, the longer you can be in the zone and handle it. Most articles refer to it being a pace somewhere between 10k and half marathon pace. A pace you can hold for only a while. A pace where you PROBABLY don’t talk ;-)
I have a few favourite runs that are a variation of a threshold runs which I will share.

1     Tempo run:
Training for a 10K: Warm up for 1 – 2km. Then run 3km at your 10km pace (or just under). Cool down at easy pace for 1 – 2km. Each week increase the tempo part by half a km till you get up to distance where you can no longer maintain that pace (probably 6k). If training for a half marathon try the same idea, but you will want to stretch out the distance of your tempo effort (at half marathon pace or just under of course). Most research points to 30minutes being the longest length MOST people can run at threshold before the anaerobic system kicks in and you start to fatigue. But if this pace is practised, the time can be pushed out.

2      Kenyan Run:
This is a great morning run! Run out 20 minutes at easy pace. I suggest you don’t even look at your watch or check your pace. At the 20 minute mark (Ok, you have to look at your watch now) turn around and run back hard. The beauty is if you don’t feel great on the way out, or aren’t moving to well, then you are doing yourself a favour as you won’t have as far to get back. If you are feeling good on the way out… well then you are just setting yourself a good challenge!! When you get back to where you started, do a 5 minute easy jog to cool down.

     Michael Shelly session:
We have done this one at BRS before, and it is one of Nick’s favourites. 8 to 10 x 3 minute efforts with 1 minute jog recovery. Is it fartlek? Is it interval work? Technically, it is a threshold session as the change between the pace of the effort and the recovery should not be as drastic as interval work, and the structured element of it means it’s not really fartlek. But the outcome is definitely a good work out.

Next edition we will look at how mere mortals can and include all the elements into a sensible, sustainable running program.

Yours in Blue and White


Free Pilates

What!!! Did you say free???  

" Please join us at Praxis Physiotherapy and Pilates for a FREE Pilates for Runners reformer class. The class will be designed in conjunction with our Physios to address exercises, muscles and biomechanics related to running. We are running two free classes for any runners interested in trying it out. I would then love some feedback as to what you liked, didn't like, etc. It is a great opportunity to try our reformer Pilates, particularly if you haven't ever tried it at all!

The classes will run: Thursday 23rd August at 7am and Monday 27th August at 6:45pm and will go for approximately 45mins.

We are located at 54 Amelia St, Fortitude Valley and have parking on site. Our maximum class capacity is 5 people per class which makes for a great session in terms of allowing correct technique and being able to cater to different abilities. 

If you are interested or would like more information please email: or call 0402 079 270. " 

Happy Running

BRS Coaches

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