Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best Wishes and BRS closing dates!

BRS Man and Renae hope that your 2010 Christmas is ACES!!

Remember Brisbane Run Squad is closed down for Monday 27 and Wednesday 29th December.......Back for an awesome Combo Session on Sunday 2nd and back to normal on Monday 3 January.


Happy Running

Renae & Matt

Monday, December 13, 2010

Upcoming Saturday Cross Training Session

But First.........................

Renae and I would like to say a big thanks to all who contributed towards our 1 year present. On Saturday 11th we used our Red Balloon voucher to do a 1 day sailing course. We both brought our fathers with us to make up numbers and do some bonding. We had a great time and learnt alot. Thanks again.
Saturday 18th Cross Training
What: 45 min long run, 45 min core training session
Time: 6:30am
Bring: Drink bottle, towel, running gear, togs(something you can do exercise in ie. no skimpy triangle bikinis), hat, sunscreen.
Cost: $6 members, $8 non-members
Hope to see you all there. If you have any questions just ask at training Wednesday.
Happy running
Renae & Matt

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Twilight Running Festival Early Bird Entry

Early Bird Entries finish on 31 Dec 2010, after which they go up $10, and continue to rise if you enter even later. So, get in the action as soon as you can and save yourself some money.

Instructions on how to enter are below. Dont forget to enter as part of the Brisbane Run Squad team. Last year we won the biggest team prize and received lots of prizes!

1. Go to registration website: Go to ENTER on left hand side. You can then choose to enter online, by post or by person.
2. Select which event you would like to register in. If you have more than one entrant, I would suggest entering seperately. It gets abit confusing on the next page with deffering entrants and distances.
3. Proceed by clicking “Add to my entry”.
4. You can pre-fill the details if you entered last year and have an email and password. Otherwise fill out your details. REmember to enter Brisbane Run Squad as your Team/Organisation Name.
5. Agree to the terms
6. Check all details are correct and accurate
7. Proceed to payment area and complete payment
8. Once payment is complete, you will be automatically emailed a tax invoice.

The costs per race and dates when the prices increase, as well as the cut-off dates for all the different method of entry are on the ENTER window.

Hope to see you there

Happy Running
Renae & Matt

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

Morning Core Training

We had a good turn out for the mornings combo session. 45 min long run followed by 45 min core circuit training.
There was alot of whining and some had trouble sitting on the swiss ball, but everyone did really well and we hope some good tips and core training tecniques will be taken away and used by yourselves.

BRS Xmas Party

A little bit of rain wasn't enough to dampen the spirits of all the attendees at the xmas party on Saturday. After Renae and I took 1 hour to figure out how to erect the marquee, and then only after the help from Janett and some friendly locals, the party kicked off with croquet and giant connect 4 being the main entertainment.

With the pitch soggy to swamp style, things heated up in our croquet challenge. The winner to take home a gift voucher for $99 to be used for a Story Bridge Climb. After 4 heats the final came down to 4 teams, Matt and Melissa, Claire and Shelley, Col and Michelle, Ben and Steve. It was a nail biter, being made a bigger challenge with Ben and Steve deciding they could not win so changing tactics to be as bigger trouble makers as possible.

Eventually the final won by Col and Michelle. But, as there can be only one winner, it was either a fight to the death or a knock out croquet round. Dissapointedly they chose the croquet.
And the winner was........................................................................................COL. Congrats!!!!!!!

Afterwards, we walked up to the Story Bridge Hotel for some dinner and drinks. I have only received second hand info but I have heard that Matt S may have had one too many chandys and was finding the floor of the hotel not too stable. I also believe Col was driving the porcelein bus later that night shouting at Hughey.

A great night had by all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for next year.

Happy Running (and partying)
Renae & Matt